Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Running order

30 seconds

Vox pop of ‘1 thing you cant live without’

20 seconds

Opening titles

15 seconds

Montage of people and their obsessions (still and video) with voiceover introducing obsessions

15 seconds

Bieber fever and archive footage of VMA’s

30 seconds

Interview with Justin Bieber fan

One minute

Interview with Harry Potter fan with footage from the movie in cutaway

20 seconds

Nutty madam

40 seconds

Twilight fan and green screen footage

One minute

Mr De Psychogists definition of obsession- OCD and with how people get over them

10 seconds

Pokeamon footage

One minute

Interview and cutaways of a person who got over their obsession

Two minutes

Jonas brothers from the obsessers to the obsession (Pokemon)

40 seconds

Interview with obsesser (Leane Hill) with cutaways from concert

10 seconds

Hate mail to Ashley Greene

5 seconds

Whip pan twilight banner/fans at premiere , with voiceover

Two minutes

Interview with Robert Pattinson

30 seconds

Facts and figures about twilight- obsessive

40 seconds

Growth from harry potter to twilight for Robert pattinson

Two minutes

Obsessed teenager who changed her ways from Dan to Rob

Three minutes


One minute

Voice over of OCD facts and montage with big close ups of videos of OCD sufferers.

One minute

Mr De interview with cutaways of Monica from friends

20 seconds

Clip of Rachel from friends and her fashion obsession with clips of Mr De’s interview talking about the fashion obsession

Two minutes

Interview with Gok Wan on what he thinks about these people with obsessions with looking good constantly

30 seconds

Archive of movie ‘confessions of a shopaholic’

One minute

Vox pop of people saying one item of clothing they could not live without

30 seconds

Footage of people shopping online which has become a bigger obsession that going to the shops themselves with voice over explaining the increasing popularity of it and the internet

One minute

Interview with the creater of Facebook alongside still and moving images of people using facebook and other social networks

30 seconds

Statistcis of users all over the world joined by images of each country on facebook

One minute

30 seconds

Interview with facebook addict over the obsession with the internet and how it effects peoples day to day life

One minute

Other social networking sites that was once obsessed with but no more (voiceover to explain)

One minute

New facebook movie trailer

40 seconds

Obsession with food with voiceover, Archive of supersize me

30 seconds

Youtube footage of food addicts

30 seconds

Conclusion to some up obsession

20 second


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